Greetings, all! By writing this I intend to inform you of what could quite possibly be one of the greatest game ezines out there! In fact, GameRate has to be the best shareware reviewing ezine out there! No, I'm not trying to be bull-headed about GameRate, but when compared to the other "shareware-only" review ezines out there GameRate simply blows the competition away! Never heard of us? I'm not surprised! Well, actually I am... Five issues of GameRate have previously been distributed online in the past 7 months, total downloads (America Online & Info-Mac) for all the issues? More than 10,000. GameRate is constantly improving each issue, and with this months June issue we hope to (finally) develop a permanent format. GameRate's graphics are stunning 16-bit images (note the above logo is only 8-bit) and screen shots have been known to be the best around. But graphics and screen shots don't make an ezine good, content does! GameRate's reviews are in depth and analyze every aspect, good or bad, of the game, with an added opinion of the reviewer. Previous GameRate downloaders may have thought that GameRate had vanished, but no, we just had some setbacks. But GameRate's back. Back and better than ever! GameRate only reviews games from that month, so you know that you're getting the most in depth information on the newest and hottest games around! GameRate also only rates games with a solid download time (10 minutes or more at 14,400 baud) so you know you're saving time while getting knowledgeable insight on the games that you can download. What do you get each month? In-depth reviews, including the "Game of the Month", brilliant screen shots, stunning graphics, informative columns, and the latest news on the Macintosh gaming front! What's it gonna cost you? Absolutely nothing! Of course since GameRate is a non-profit organization charitable donations are always welcome. You've tried the rest... now try the best! Download GameRate today, available on America Online, and Info-Mac. Coming soon: GameRate's own web page! Sincerely,   Misha Sakellaropoulo -Editor in Chief, GameRate Magazine